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SUNDAYS | 10:50 AM

"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!" Psalm 34:3

"Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:24

Together. Authentic. That's what God wants from His people when they gather for worship. We aren't "traditional" in the sense that we sing only hymns. We aren't "contemporary" in that we only sing songs written in this century. We blend many styles of music to unite all generations to worship the one, triune God authentically. 

But worship is more than the music. Worship is responding to the

proclamation of God's Word. Worship is giving sacrificially and praying

boldly. Worship is celebrating believers' baptism and regularly sharing

the Lord's Supper

Worship is also about family - the family of God we're adopted into when

we come to faith in Jesus, and the family we may have argued with

getting ready for church! As it was for the early church in the book of Acts,

we do our best to keep the family together for worship.


- Well-staffed nursery and preschool rooms are available for infants

through 4-year-olds during the entire worship service. 

- Worship bags are available in the lobby for elementary-aged

children. These aren't busy bags to distract your kids from the

service. They're filled with activities and worksheets designed to

engage your children in worship and even help them follow and apply the sermon! 

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